Event Settings
- Setting Up a Vanity URL
- Create a Multi-Language Event Program
- Logging in to Splash with SSO
- I have to reschedule my event. What steps should I take?
- What can I view on my Events Dashboard?
- How do I restrict who can view my Splash page and register for my event?
- How do I archive my events?
- Is it possible to host sweepstakes on Splash?
- Publish and Unpublish Events
- Can I reuse a previous Splashthat domain for a new event?
- Using Tracking Pixels to Make Better Event Marketing Decisions
- How do I approve emails for Guest List Email Validation?
- How do I change my event date or time?
- How do I edit my event's calendar attachment description?
- How do I change the event name in my browser tab?
- How do I remove an event-level collaborator?
- How do I go back to my Splash Events Dashboard?
- How do I edit my event's details?
- How do I edit my Share Card?
- Why can't I change my event date?
- How do my team members receive RSVP notifications and replies to Splash emails?
- How do I update the favicon for my event page?
- How do I delete locked questions on my form?
- How do I duplicate an event page?
- How do I edit the metadata of my event website?
- Why isn't my Event showing up on Google? What can I do about it?
- How do I remove my Splash page from Google search results?
- How do I edit the host's name for my event?
- How do I restrict who has access to my Splash page?
- How do I add event-level collaborators to edit and manage my event?