First event checklist Follow
If it's your first time in the platform, haven't used it in a long time, or you're helping somebody on your team with onboarding, this checklist should help you ensure you're not missing any key details when setting up your event in the platform.
Note: Some organizations have specific creation flows and will require you to set up your events a little differently. If you're following these steps and get stuck at some point, it may be a good idea to reach out internally and see if there's any internal documentation on your team's process. Or, open a support case, and we'll be happy to help!
✓Step 1 - Creating a New Event
- Log in
- Go to Events Dashboard
- Hit “New Event” button
- Enter title
- (Optional) Edit the auto-generated domain
- Enter Event Type
- Choose Attendance Type
- (If In-person or Hybrid) Enter location
- Enter date
- Click on Next and choose your theme
✓Step 2 - Reviewing Event Settings
- From your Event Overview, go to Settings
- Check if you want to publish or unpublish your event
- Make sure to add your Vanity URL if you need one
- Review all details (title, domain, event host...)
- Go to the "Privacy" tab if you want to adjust who has access to your Event Page
- Click on the "Collaborators" tab if you need to add other users to access and edit your Event Page
- Move to the "Site Metadata" tab
- Edit how your event page will display on Google and other search engines
- Edit your Calendar Attachment Description
- Edit the favicon of your page
- Lastly, on the "Sharing Options" tab you'll be able to edit how your Event Page will display when posted on social media
- Don't forget to save your changes!
✓Step 3 - Customize Splash Page
- From your Event Overview, access the Event Page touchpoint
- Edit text
- Upload or edit images and backgrounds
- Add or edit blocks
- Re-order blocks
- Review tablet and mobile views
Depending on your organization's specific workflow and the theme you're using, you may need to:
- Hide blocks
- Update speakers
- Name
- Title
- Bio
- Headshot
- Update agenda
✓Step 4 - Updating Registration Form & Settings
- From your Event Overview, access your Registration Form
- Add or edit questions
- Go back to the Event Overview, and into your Event Settings
- Limit one response per email
- Set a capacity
- Activate a waitlist
- Make sure to double check the "Privacy" tab to adjust who can RSVP to your Event Page
- From the Event Overview, access Analytics and go to the "Tracking Links" tab if you want to set up tracking links
✓Step 5 - Customize Confirmations
- From your Event Overview, access the Confirmations touchpoint
- Customize the confirmation messaging for RSVP “Yes”
- On-page confirmation
- Confirmation email
- (Optional) Attach a calendar invite
- (Optional) Add QR code to use Host App Checkin
- Disable if needed
- (Optional) Click on the top-left corner and switch to other confirmations:
- RSVP “No” (if activated)
- Waitlist (if activated)
✓Step 6 - Design & Send Invitation Email
- From your Event Overview, access the Email Sender
- Click "New Email"
- Select the template needed (likely "Invitation")
- Edit the email:
- "From" field
- Subject
- Preheader
- Contents
- Make sure to leverage Dynamic Tags!
- (Optional) Attach a calendar invite
- Add Recipients
- Review details
- Send it!
✓Step 7 - Review Guest List
- From your Event Overview, access the Guest List touchpoint.
- View guest list and responses
- Organize guests with lists & tags
- Build lists for future email sends
✓ Step 8 - Send Reminder & Follow-ups
✓ Step 9 - Event Check-in
- Download check-in app(s)
- iOS
- Android
- Check guests in / register walk-ins
- Optional features:
✓ Step 10 - Post-event Follow-up
- Create post-event "Thank You” email
- (Optional) Link to survey
- Send “Thank You” email to “Checked-in” list
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