Create an On-Demand Registration Page Follow
Splash enables you to host, gate, and promote your on-demand recordings. In this guide you’ll learn how to convert your existing registration page into an on-demand showcase and maximize the reach of your event content.
You can follow along in Splash by reading the steps below, watching the video tutorial, or registering for the on-demand webinar. To get started, log in to Splash.
On this page:
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Convert your registration page
You can easily convert each touchpoint, or guest-facing piece of your registration page, into an on-demand experience.
Keep in mind, you can apply the same steps outlined below to a new event page if you prefer to host your on-demand recording separately.
Heads up: when creating an on-demand page with the Virtual Event Page, guests won't be able to access it if the event date is set in the future (due to check-in being locked until the time of the event comes), for more information refer to Virtual Event Page Overview.
Virtual Event Page
Note: If you’re creating a new on-demand page, use the Virtual Event Page Overview to add and configure this touchpoint. |
Click on the Virtual Event Page touchpoint.
Once your event ends, you can immediately convert the Virtual Event Page from a live virtual venue to an on-demand showcase.
Splash Studio automates this process by providing an on-demand replay option in the same embed.
If you used another video provider, consider uploading your recording to a service like Vimeo or YouTube. Then use the steps below to embed it in the Virtual Event Page:
- Choose the Live Stream state in the upper left.
- Click Custom Embed from the Layout Tree on the right.
- Click Embed Options.
- Enter the embed code for your on-demand recording.
- Click Save Changes.
- Click to Save the touchpoint.
Next, use the States dropdown in the upper left to make sure the language reflects an on-demand program. You’ll likely want to change the button text on the Check-In (Open) screen to “Watch Now.”
Be sure to save your changes before you continue converting the rest of your registration page.
Event Page
Click on the Event Page touchpoint.
Use the steps below to convert your page design.
- Remove date, time, and countdown elements. Use the hide icon in the Layout Tree to remove any mention of timing from the page. The beauty of an on-demand program is that the viewer has control over when they decide to engage with the content. Keep in mind that hiding is a safer option than deleting. If you ever want to duplicate this event page, you can easily reveal these elements.
- Check your language. Replace any future tense language with past tense by editing your text elements.
- Change your call-to-action. Make sure your call-to-action indicates that the guest is signing up to view on-demand. Use button text like “Register to Watch” or “Watch On-Demand.”
Registration Form
Click on the Registration Form touchpoint.
Use the steps below to update your registration form to collect on-demand registrants.
- Check your headline language. Update the form headline with language like “Register to Watch.”
- Review your form questions. Remove any custom questions that are specific to the live experience. This won’t interfere with any existing data in your Guest List.
If you’re using the same registration page for your on-demand experience, then you may run into cases where a live event attendee attempts to register again for the on-demand recording.
To point them in the right direction, update your registration form’s error messaging:
- In the right menu, click on the dropdown next Add Question.
- Select Edit Custom Error Messages.
- Locate the Duplicate Email input.
- Enter text that points the guest to their Virtual Event URL. For example, “Looks like you’re already registered! Access the on-demand recording from the personal link in your confirmation email or calendar attachment.”
Click on the Confirmations touchpoint.
On-Page Confirmation
The on-page confirmation appears after a guest registers for the on-demand content.
Use the instructions below to add a button to this confirmation that links guests directly to the Virtual Event Page, where the on-demand recording lives.
- Click Design.
- Hover over the Add to Calendar button and select the Edit Link icon.
- From the Link To dropdown, select Go to Virtual Event Page.
- Click Save in the bottom right.
- Click on the button text to update the call-to-action to Watch Now.
- Click to Save the touchpoint.
Note: If your on-page confirmation doesn’t already include a button, you can add one from the Layout Tree on the right. |
You can now update your on-page confirmation and headline to instruct guests to access the on-demand recording using the button below, or link in the confirmation email.
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Email Confirmation
Guests who register for the on-demand content will also receive an email confirmation that includes a link to the Virtual Event Page. Guests can refer back to this email at any time to watch the on-demand recording.
Follow these steps to set up your email confirmation:
- Customize the Subject Line.
- Customize the Message.
- Remove the calendar attachment.
- Click Design.
- Click on the button in your email
- In Button Settings on the right, make sure the URL is set to [virtual_event_url]
- Click Save.
Warning: If you duplicate the event, make sure you re-add important functionality, like the Add to Calendar prompt, and replace the on-demand language with registration language. |
Follow up with live attendees
Your page is now set up to promote an on-demand experience.
Next, it’s time to target live attendees with this valuable content. Splash’s Email Sender streamlines the post-event follow up.
Before you get started, create a list of guests who attended live using the steps below.
Pro Tip: You should complete these steps as close to the live event end time as possible. |
- Click the Guests tab.
- Select the Checked In and Checked Out lists.
- Select all guests, then click Add to List.
- From the dropdown, select Create New List.
- Enter the name of the list, like “Attended - Live” and click Done.
Now it’s time to send the follow up email. Follow the steps below to create the email campaign:
- Click the Email tab.
- Click New Email.
- Select an email template.
From the Design tab, include messaging that indicates the guest can watch the on-demand recording at any time.
Make sure the button URL includes the [virtual_event_url] tag. This is where new and existing guests will view the on-demand recording.
You can remove the calendar invite from this email by deselecting the Attach calendar invite checkbox.
In the Recipients tab, click Add Recipients then My Lists to select the “Attended Live” list you just created. Then proceed with sending the email.
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