ON24 Webinars Integration Guide Follow
This step-by-step guide will walk you through how to set up Splash's ON24 Webinars integration.
Table of Contents
1. How the integration works
2. What you'll need to get started
3. Getting set up in ON24
3.1 Establishing the API endpoints
3.2 Creating a webinar template
3.2.1 Setting a webinar duration
3.2.2 Formatting the registration settings
4. Getting set up in Splash
4.1 Authenticating your ON24 account
4.2 Configuring the integration
4.2.1 Naming the integration
4.2.2 Determining when the integration will fire
4.3 Activating the integration
4.4 Deleting the integration
5. Testing the integration
6. Troubleshooting the integration
6.1 Understanding the Activity Log
6.2 Resolving error messages
7. Video walkthrough of the integration
1. How the integration works
The ON24 Webinars integration automatically create webinars from Splash events and converts Splash guests into webinar registrants.
Specifically, this integration:
- Automatically creates an ON24 webinar when a Splash event is created.
Automatically creates a registrant in the connected ON24 webinar when a guest is listed as Attending in the Splash event.
Guest email addresses will be added to the list of approved registrants for the ON24 event. -
Automatically updates an ON24 webinar title, start date, start time, event duration, and time zone when the connected Splash event title, start date, start time, or time zone is updated.
- Automatically a new webinar whenever a Splash event is duplicated.
If the integration is triggered by specific Event Types or Groups, then only duplicating events that have those specified Event Types or Groups will create corresponding webinars. Learn more about this is in Section 4.2.2. - Automatically create an ON24 webinar when a guest status changes or a guest is added and a Webinar hasn't already been created for an event.
This setting is a safety net for any events that haven't resulted in a webinar being created for some reason (ex: events created prior to the integration being setup).
This integration is available at the organization-level, meaning it is set up in your Integrations tab and can be configured to apply to all events, certain groups' events, or specific event types.
The ON24 Webinars integration does not:
- Sync any Splash guests to ON24 with a status other than Attending.
- Update a guest's status from Attending to Checked In when a guest joins the webinar.
- Sync any registrant data from ON24 to Splash. This includes first name, last name, email address, etc.
- Delete a guest in ON24 if a guest is deleted in Splash or vice versa.
- Create an event in Splash if an ON24 webinar is created.
- Delete a webinar in ON24 if an event in Splash is deleted or vice versa.
- Exist as an event-level integration.
2. What you'll need to get started
In order to set-up the integration, the following will be required:
1. A Splash for Business Enterprise account with Integrations access
2. An ON24 Webcast Elite admin account
The following credentials will be required for authentication:
- Client ID
- Access Token Key
- Access Token Secret
The ON24 Client ID and Access Tokens are located within the API Dashboard of the Analytics section. For more information on how to access this information, visit ON24’s guide here.
The Client ID and Access Token must also have access to the Event Management endpoints, Registration endpoints, Event-level Analytics endpoints, and Helper endpoints. Enabling access to these endpoints is explained in the ON24 Set Up section of this guide.
3. An ON24 Webinar ID
You will need to create an ON24 Webinar to act as a template that Splash can clone.
You can select an existing ON24 webinar or create a new one to generate the Webinar Event ID. To locate the Webinar Event ID, click into the WebCast Elite tab and select a webinar.
3. Getting set up in ON24
Some configuration in ON24 is required prior to setting up the integration in Splash.
3.1 Establishing your API endpoints
The account credentials entered into Splash must have access to the Event Management endpoints, Registration endpoints, Event-level Analytics endpoints, and Helper endpoints in ON24. You can view and edit endpoint access within the Token section of the API Dashboard.
Selecting the All endpoints option is recommended for optimal syncing.
3.2 Creating a webinar template
The Webinar ID template that you set to be cloned in Splash will first need to be set up and configured in ON24. As a reminder, Splash will sync the following:
- Event Title
- Date
- Start Time
- End Time
- Timezone
- Attending guest data
The settings established in this section will directly apply to webinars created from your Splash events.
3.2.1 Setting a webinar duration
ON24 has a duration setting within each webinar to limit the length of the webinar.
The duration field is automatically updated based on the Splash start and end time of an event.
Splash defaults to the following webinar duration settings for any events that fall outside of the times listed in ON24:
- If a Splash event does not have an end time listed, the webinar duration will default to 2 hours.
- Any Splash event that exceeds the maximum webinar duration time in ON24 will automatically default to the highest duration increment of 8 hours.
- If a Splash event time has a duration that is not a listed option in ON24, Splash will round up to the next longest webinar duration available. For example, if an event time is from 1:30pm to 2:45pm, the duration will be rounded up to 2 hours and 30 mins.
3.2.2 Formatting the registration settings
Registration settings can be configured within the Registration tab of a webinar.
Registration Fields
You can choose to add or remove Registration Fields, as well as mark them as required when needed. If you mark a Registration Field as required in ON24, then you should also mark the question as required in Splash.
The following Splash Template Questions can be synced with ON24:
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Company Name
Street Address
The above questions must be added directly from the Template Questions section of the Splash registration form. Adding any questions other than the ones listed above will result in a blank field value in ON24.
Adding a registration field in ON24 that does not correspond with one of the above Splash form questions will also result in a blank field value in ON24.
Capacity Settings
The Registration Capacity for a webinar is located in the Security Settings section.
By default, the Registration Capacity for a live webinar will be toggled on with a capacity for 40 registrants. If your events do not require limited capacity, you can choose to toggle the capacity setting off and allow for unlimited registrations.
The maximum capacity of a webinar may be dependent on your contract. Since Splash does not sync capacity limits to ON24, the capacity will need to be managed in ON24 directly.
4. Getting set up in Splash
Set up of the ON24 Webinar integration consists of two parts: authenticating your ON24 credentials and configuring your integration settings. Both sections will need to be completed in order for the integration to run successfully.
4.1 Authenticating your ON24 account
Authentication will need to be completed first in order to proceed with configuring the rest of the On24 integration.
- While logged into your Splash account, select Integrations in the left-hand navigation panel.
- Click on the New Integration button.
- Click Choose under the ON24 Webinars integration option.
- The ON24 Webinars configuration screen will automatically open.
- Enter the Client ID, Access Token Key, and Access Token Secret within the Authentication screen.
- Click Verify after entering all ON24 authentication credentials.
The configuration screen will update upon verifying the authentication credentials to confirm the provided ON24 credentials are valid and active.
If you need to edit or change the credentials, click on Edit Authentication and re-enter the credentials.
Once the authentication credentials are verified, click Save. Then, navigate to the Settings tab to finish configuring the ON24 integration.
4.2 Configuring the integration
The following fields will need to configured within Settings:
- Integration Name
- Conditions
- Triggers
Each of these are explored in greater detail below.
4.2.1 Naming the integration
You can choose to rename your integration by typing directly into the Integration Name field. Entering a unique integration name is especially helpful for easy navigation if you plan on creating multiple configurations.
4.2.2 Determining when the integration will fire
Conditions establish the criteria required in order for the integration to perform. A condition must be added in order to successfully enable the integration.
- Under Conditions, click on the Add New Condition button.
- Use the Event Type drop-down menu to select the desired Event Type(s) that will trigger the integration.
- Enter the ON24 Webinar ID template that should be used for the selected Event Type(s).
- Select any Groups that should trigger the integration by clicking the checkbox for Only trigger for specific groups and selecting a Group. Leaving the box unchecked will result in the integration triggering for any group.
- Click Done.
Note: Multiple conditions can be added to a single ON24 Webinars configuration, but an Event Type can only be connected to one ON24 Webinar ID. Attempting to map the same Event Type to multiple ON24 Webinar IDs is not supported.
All successfully saved Conditions will display the following On24 information:
- Webinar template name
- Link to the webinar template
- Date of template creation
- ON24 present type
- ON24 category
To edit or delete a Condition, hover over it and select the corresponding icon that appears.
4.3 Activating the integration
Once all settings have been configured and saved, set the toggle at the top of the screen to On to activate the integration.
To deactivate the integration, click the toggle at the top of the screen from On to Off.
4.4 Deleting the integration
The configuration can be removed at any point by clicking the three vertical dots to the right of the On/Off toggle and selecting Delete.
5. Testing the integration
You can test the ON24 Webinars integration by creating a Splash event using the Event Type(s) listed in the configuration. Next, submit a test RSVP to the event to confirm guest information is syncing correctly. As a reminder, the guest must be listed as Attending status in order to sync.
Once the Splash event is created and the test RSVP is submitted, navigate to your Integrations dashboard, open your ON24 Webinars configuration, and click on the Activity Log.
The Activity Log will display a message confirming the event and test RSVP have successfully synced.
Open your ON24 account to confirm that a new webinar and registrant have been created. The webinar and registrant created in ON24, along with the successful sync messages in Splash, will validate that the integration has been set up correctly.
6. Troubleshooting the integration
The Activity Log serves as the primary resource for troubleshooting configuration issues.
6.1 Reading the Activity Log
The Activity Log is a recorded list of actions performed within the configuration. This list includes configuration edits, synced Splash event and guest data, and any confirmed errors.
The Activity Log is located in the bottom left-hand corner of the configuration screen. You can filter the Activity log by two views, All Logs and Error Logs, to track both general activity as well as identified sync errors.
6.2 Resolving error messages
In the event that an error occurs, the Error Logs view provides you with the following information:
1. The action that should occur in ON24.
2. The reason the requested action failed and the action required to correct it.
3. The Splash action that triggered the error.
From the above example, the following can be understood:
1. Webinar information should be updated in ON24.
2. Updating the webinar start time failed because there is a 2 hour restriction for event start times in ON24.
3. The action in Splash that triggered the error was based on an event update.
To fix this issue, update the event’s start time to a later time. When you save your changes, the integration will automatically re-sync the data to ON24.
Clicking on the Show Details link will display more information for any given log item, including the name of the event that the error is for.
The error message received from ON24 will also be listed in the log details:
The following is a list of error messages and the corresponding action that resolves each error.
Error message |
Solution |
Registration creation error: Registrant was not created. ON24 registrant capacity is full. Please increase the webinar registration capacity in ON24. Triggered by [RSVP] for contact guestemail@company.com |
This error occurs when a Registration Capacity is enabled for a webinar. To fix this error, you will need to set the same capacity in Splash to prevent additional registrations from happening. If the capacity is a mistake, you will need to edit the settings within ON24. |
Registrant creation error: Registrant was not created. [jobtitle] is a required field. Please remove the registrant field requirement in ON24. Triggered by [RSVP] for contact guestemail@company.com |
Job Title cannot be listed as a required field in ON24. |
Registrant creation error: Registrant was not created. Registrant could not be created due to invalid [workphone] field. Please correct the field value, or remove the registrant field requirement in ON24. Triggered by [RSVP] for contact guestemail@company.com |
Any registration requirements set in ON24 will need to also be set in Splash. As a reminder, by default, first name, last name, and email are always required fields in Splash. |
Webinar created error: The webinar was not created. Please update the Splash Event start time to be at least 2 hours from now to create the webinar. Triggered by [Event Update] |
ON24 has a two hour restriction for webinars to be created. The Splash event time will need to be updated to reflect a time two hours later than the present time to successfully sync the event. |
Webinar updated error: The webinar was not updated. Please update the Splash Event start time to be at least 2 hours from now to create the webinar." Triggered by [Event Update] |
ON24 has a two hour restriction for webinars to be created. The Splash event time will need to be updated to reflect a time two hours later than the present time to successfully sync the event. |
Webinar created error: The webinar was not created. An error occurred in ON24. Please contact Splash Support to recover this action." Triggered by [Event Update] |
This error occurs when ON24 is experiencing a server error that prevents Splash data from syncing. Splash Support will need to re-sync any data that did not sync during this time. |
Webinar created error: The webinar was not created. You don't have permission to perform the requested operation. Please confirm your ON24 account details, or contact ON24 for more details. Triggered by [Event Update] |
The API Token Key and Secret entered into Splash are assigned access endpoints in ON24. The Access endpoint drop-down can be found in the API Dashboard. The Event Management and Registration endpoints must be checked off for the integration to successfully sync. Check out this ON24 article for more details. |
Webinar updated error: The webinar was not updated. Access token key and access token secret have been deactivated. Please confirm your credentials in ON24, or contact ON24 for more details. Triggered by [Event Update] |
This error occurs when the Token Key and Secret credentials have been disabled in the provided ON24 account. To enable the credentials, head to the API Dashboard of the account and click Enable This Token. Check out this ON24 article for more details. |
Webinar created error: The webinar was not created. Please update the Splash Event to have a start time in the future. Triggered by [Event Update] |
Webinar created error: The webinar was not created. Your ON24 account plan is inactive. Triggered by [Event Update] |
This error occurs when the provided credentials are from a trial account that has expired or because the ON24 account has been terminated. You will need to reach out to ON24 to revive the account or create a new account. |
Webinar updated error: Parameters failed, invalid time zone. Triggered by [Event Update] |
This error occurs when a time zone selected in Splash does not have a corresponding counterpart in ON24. To fix this, identify a time zone that exists in both ON24 and Splash, then update the time zone in Splash. |
Webinar created error: The webinar was not created. The webinar template [ID#] was deleted in ON24. Please update the program cloning condition with a new webinar template. Triggered by [Event Update] |
This error occurs when the listed Webinar ID has been deleted in ON24. To fix this, you will need to update the provided field in the the Conditions section of the configuration with a new Webinar ID. |
7. Video walkthrough of the integration
More of a visual learner? We've got you covered. Check out our quick video below on how to set up your integration.
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