Why are my dynamic tags not populating in emails? Follow
Using dynamic tags like [first_name] and [event_title] in your invite emails is a quick and easy way to make your Splash email templates personalized and scalable.
For more information on dynamic tags, check out: How do I dynamically add event and guest info to my emails (i.e. "Dear John")?
When testing out your email flow, you might notice the "Send Test" feature. This is an awesome way to quickly view how the design of your email will render in your inbox.
Keep in mind - while event specific tags (like [event_title]) will dynamically pull through in your test email, guest specific tags (like [job_title]) will not.
To view your guest dynamic tags, we recommend sending a full email to yourself. Keep in mind that your recipient must be included in the guest list with the appropriate information filled out, in order for this data to pull through!
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