How can I connect Splash's Marketo integration with ON24? Follow
- Native integration
- Connected integration via Marketo (below)
The Splash-Marketo-ON24 integration automatically:
Creates a Splash Guest with a Guest List Status of RSVP Yes and creates a registration for the webinar within ON24.
Updates the status for guests who attended the ON24 webinar as Checked-In within the Splash Event Guest List.
Before you can begin to set this up, you must be an admin using both Marketo and ON24.
Getting Started
1. Creating your ON24 Webcast
Create an ON24 webcast, and grab the ON24 Event ID, which you’ll need in later steps.
2. Creating your Webinar in ON24
The Splash to ON24 integration relies on Splash’s Marketo integration which then leverages the Marketo and ON24 connector. Because of this, you’ll need to make a new Base Program in Marketo to utilize for Splash events.
Create a Marketo Event. Make sure that you select webinar as the Channel type for this Program.
Under the “Event Actions” dropdown, select “Event Settings”.
In the pop-up window that appears, select “ON24” as your Event Partner.
Set the Login account and ON24 Event ID (you’ll get this from the ON24 webcast that you just created).
Note: Sometimes, it can take 15 to 20 minutes for ON24 to make the Event information available to Marketo. If you receive an "Invalid Session Id" message, please try again a bit later. -
If you haven’t already, make sure you customize the webinar channel’s status mappings:
3. Creating your Event in Splash
Disclaimer: the steps below require use of Splash’s Marketo V2 integration. For more information, check out Introduction to Splash + Marketo.
You’ll need to set up a new Marketo V2 configuration that uses the Program you created above as its Base Program. To do so, follow the steps below:
Clone your existing Marketo Configuration.
Limit the Event Type to “Seminars and Workshops”. If you use custom event types, and you need our team to add a new event type for you, let us know!
Create a Splash event using whichever event type is defined in your Configuration (refer back to step 2, either “Seminars and Workshops”, or, your custom type).
Remember: with the Marketo V2 configuration, Splash will create the program for you in Marketo.
4. Setting up your Marketo triggers and tokens
Pro Tip: We suggest setting up confirmation email triggers within your Marketo Program. That way, you can trigger the confirmation email through Marketo with the unique participant URL as a token, {{member.webinar url}}. This is important, as it will allow On24 to recognize your guest as they enter the Webinar - so that you can keep track of who attended, and who missed out! If an attendee shares the link with another individual, it will not grant that second person access.
We all love the advanced design capabilities of the Splash email sender. If you're instead looking to send a Splash email, you can utilize Splash's Calendar Attachment to include each member's unique webinar URL. To grab this URL, head to On24 and grab the audience URL by clicking on the icon next to the webinar title.
On24 also offers confirmation messaging tools that are all set up and ready-to-go. If you leverage ON24's default confirmation, reminder, and post-event emails, this requires zero setup time and generates the unique url for each guest. It doesn't get any easier than that!
5. Promoting your event
Any guest added to the Splash guest list will automatically sync over as a Program Member in your Marketo Program. They will receive the confirmation email that is set up in Marketo, and have a direct link that will bring them to your On24 webinar upon event start.
6. Aggregating the guest data
After the webcast has concluded, ON24 will update the program member status in Marketo to reflect all participants who attended, that will then trickle down to the Splash guest list via the bi-directional Marketo integration.
Extra Tips and Tricks:
1. Handling Large Capacities with On24
On24 suggests that event hosts submit a "Large Event Request" if they expect that attendee count will be upwards of 2,500. You can submit this request by logging into your On24 account here. Without doing so, On24 cannot guarantee an accommodated capacity for your webinar.
2. Be sure to test rigorously!
Preparing for your On24 webinar is almost like preparing to air a television broadcast. It's very important to thoroughly QA the process before going live, to ensure that your guests receive nothing short of an incredible webinar experience.
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