What does "No Status" mean for the attendees in my Guest List? Follow
In a Splash Guest List, you'll see seven different status designations:
- Attending
- Checked In
- Checked Out
- Awaiting Reply
- Not Attending
- Waitlisted
- No Status
Wondering how a guest can have a status of No Status?
This is typically due to actions taken within Splash's Email Sender.
Any guest who has been added as a recipient to a draft email will have "No Status" until the campaign is fully sent out. Additionally, guests who do not receive an email campaign due to an email bounce, failed delivery, or spam filter will be marked "No Status" instead of "Awaiting Reply."
Guests can also be added to the Guest List with "No Status" from the get-go, without being added to any email campaigns.
Check out how to bulk change the status of your guests here: How do I change the status of multiple guests?
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