What ticket information can I map to my Salesforce integration? Follow
We realize that all guest information is essential to event workflows! Knowing what ticket a guest purchased will help you integrate the necessary info into Salesforce.
What can you map?
- Ticket Name
- Ticket Price
- Discount Codes
How do you map your ticket details?
Glad you asked! Integrating ticket purchase details is easy.
1. Start by heading to the Salesforce Integration's Global Action Page. Once there, you can begin mapping fields for any Salesforce object. For this this example, we're focusing on Leads.
2. Scroll to Lead Settings and click Add Lead Field
2. Scroll to Lead Settings and click Add Lead Field

3. In the Salesforce Field Name, enter the name of the field you’d like to map. You’ll want to make sure you’re using the exact syntax provided by Salesforce. (Here’s where to find it!)
4. Next, in the Mapped Field input, you'll now enter the Splash field(s) you’d like to map to Salesforce.
Upon clicking on the the Mapped Field section, a window will pop open, allowing you to choose from available fields in Splash.From the Manage Mapped Fields dropdown, scroll to the very bottom and see your available Splash data points for ticket types.
Upon clicking on the the Mapped Field section, a window will pop open, allowing you to choose from available fields in Splash.From the Manage Mapped Fields dropdown, scroll to the very bottom and see your available Splash data points for ticket types.
It will start with "Ticket - " such as "Ticket - Ticket Name."

5. Next, select the Data Type you’d like to push to Salesforce. For ticket details, you will use the Text option.
6. After finishing any change, be sure to save the integration.

Interesting in mapping ticket details under Campaign or Opportunities? Check this out: Creating custom Salesforce Opportunity names for ticket purchases using multiple Splash fields.
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