How do I keep my Splash page loading quickly? Follow
Page speed is one of the most important factors to consider when creating your Splash page (or any website for that matter) in order to optimize the experience of this touchpoint.
In other words, load times shouldn't be like the Energizer Bunny where the spinning wheel keeps going, and going, and going – you get the idea!
So exactly what factors affect page performance? We've put together this checklist of questions to help you keep your Splash pages running smoothly and operating at the highest speed!
1. How stable is your network connection?
Confirm the strength and consistency of your WiFi connection is at its best.
2. Are you using the newest browser technology?
For optimal performance when creating your Splash page, we recommend using the most updated version of your browser. Take a peek at the list of supported browsers in our FAQ: What browser should I use to build my Splash page?
3. Do the images uploaded onto your page meet our recommended specs?
Large images can significantly slow down load times. To keep your page loading quickly, images should not be larger than 2,000 pixels wide with no more than 72 dots per inch (dpi). A full overview for sizing images can be found in our FAQ: What is the recommended image size?
4. Are there any videos embedded on the page?
Remember the saying, "Light as a feather?" File sizes should generally stay under 10MB to prevent loading implications.
5. How many modals exist on your event page?
Pop-up modals can be a great way to simplify text-heavy pages. For example, if you have several speakers on a page with lengthy bios you may consider adding a "Read More" Button element to make sure the content is visually digestible. While this design approach might be more aesthetically pleasing to the eyes, it can be hard on page loads if there are too many. We recommend capping the number of modals on your page at 10. For more on modals, check out our FAQ: What is a modal element?
6. Is there any "dead weight" that can be removed from the page?
If you have an excessive amount of hidden blocks that you don't plan to display to guests, delete these from the page and keep a clean block structure.
7. Do you have a large number of discount codes? (Ticketed pages)
Take a look at your Tickets tab to check out the number of discount codes you have added into the system. If you have a long list of codes, consider removing any that aren't needed for your event.
If you've crossed every item off the list and would like our team to inspect further, feel free to submit a case. We'll be happy to take a quick look :)
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