How do I add dynamic guest or event information to my integration messages? Follow
Within the message for specific Splash Integrations, you can add any of the following dynamic tags to pull guest or event information in this format: [tag]. Remember, tags are case sensitive! Make sure that all letters are lower case and be sure to include the brackets.
* The below tags are currently available for integration messages to Slack, Marketo, HubSpot Timeline, Eloqua Campaigns, and Pardot Campaigns. Future updates to come soon to Greenhouse!
Attendee Tags
[contact.first_name] = The first name of the person who filled out the form.
[contact.last_name] = The last name of the person who filled out the form.
[] = The email address of the person who filled out the form.
[] = The value of the company field from the submitted form.
[tracking_link] = The tracking link in the url of the page when the form was submitted.
Event Tags
[event.title] = The title of the event.
[event.timezone] = The timezone of the venue location.
[event.domain] = The subdomain of the event url.
[event.url] = The url of the event page.
[event.event_start] = The start date and time of the event.
Event Creator Tags
[user.first_name] = First name of the user that created the event.
[user.last_name] = Last name of the user that created the event.
[] = Email address of the user that created the event.
Hub Tags
[hub.title] = The title of the Event Hub page.
Looking for dynamic tags for your emails? Check those out here: How do I dynamically add event and guest info to my emails (i.e. "Dear John")?
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