How do I measure an event campaign using Tracking Links? Follow
When the goal of an event is to get people — and especially, the right people — to register for your event, there isn't a more effective way to track how effective your various promotional channels are than by using the Splash Tracking Links feature.
Tracking links allow you to measure:
1. Page traffic from a source
2. RSVPs generated by a source
3. Who actually RSVP'd via a source
When we say "source" that can mean just about anything: a promoter, a recruiter, a sales rep, an email blast, a social media ad — you name it.
Setting up your Tracking Links
Setting up a new tracking link literally takes seconds. And the moment after you begin sharing it out, you'll be able to start attributing RSVPs and traffic to it.
To begin:
1. Go into your Splash page's Analytics tab to the left of the page.
2. Click on the Advanced Tracking section.
3. Hit the new New Tracking Link button to the right of the page.
4. Assign the link a name, edit the URL to your liking, and save.
Heads up! Some tracking links are off limits. Check out the list here.
With email often being the largest driver of event page traffic, it's recommended that you use tracking links in your Splash invitations.
Simply go to the Button tab in your Email Layout menu. From there, select Button Settings, and insert your tracking link into the URL bar.
Social Media
Social channels are now used more than ever in the event promotion process, but how can you tell if they're actually working?
In other words: Are these social sources getting you traffic? RSVPs? Are the people who are RSVPing from social media the right people? If you bought a social ad, was the ad worth the money?
By using a tracking link for each social source you promote through, like the Facebook example below, you're able to attribute traffic, RSVPs, and ticket revenue to your campaigns.
One of the most powerful uses of tracking links is for holding personnel accountable for their promotional activity — either by incentives or punishment. We'll leave that to you ;)
For your event, you can toss every one of your sales reps, recruiters, or social influencers their own specialized link. Instruct them that all of their promotions (emails, texts, social posts) should be done using their own specialized link.
By implementing this simple game plan, you're able to see who's doing their jobs, who isn't, who really has influence, and who is bringing the best and brightest to your door.
Tracking your success
After you've used tracking links to promote your event, there's a couple of different ways track performance.
1. Tracking Links Dashboard
Within your Analytics tab, within the Advanced Tracking section, is where you'll find our Tracking Links dashboard.
Here, you'll be able to see Total Visit and Total RSVPs — both across all links and for each individual link.
By hitting the View Details button, you can then see every person who registered through that link.
2. Guest List Filter
When viewing your Guest List tab, you can actually use the Filters to view your list by Tracking Links, giving you full visibility into who RSVP'd through each promotional source.
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