How do I set up an apply-to-attend event page? Follow
Whether you're looking to approve event attendees or just collect initial interest, you can set up your event to be an apply-to-attend page. By using a waitlist first instead of after your event, your guests automatically end up in the Guests tab, awaiting a coveted confirmed spot.
Think of it as a virtual velvet rope. It's your club now!
1. In the event, head to the Settings tab.
2. In the Event Information section, select Registration Open and change to Registration Closed to close RSVPs. Pro tip: You can click this logo at the top of your event at anytime to head straight to this section!
3. Activate the Waitlist feature.
Default waitlist text will appear on the button, but you can change it to say whatever you'd like. Fan favorites are "Are you interested in attending?" or "Apply to Attend."
You can customize the button text for each stage of your event.
3. Back in the Event tab, select the Confirmations touchpoint to edit the Waitlist confirmation messaging guests will receive, both on-page and via email.
4. Once a guest is approved, add them to the confirmed list from the Guests tab. Check out how to do so here: How do I move someone from waitlist to the confirmed RSVP list?
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