What is a repeatable? Follow
A repeatable repeats a group of identically styled elements.
For example, a list of speakers may contain a center-aligned avatar, the speaker's name in large headline, and the speaker's title in a grey font, see below.
The most common blocks with repeatable functionality include Speaker, Sponsors, List, and Schedule blocks. All of these blocks can be found within our block adder.
A repeatable allows you to add new content, in this case, an additional speaker, without having to style each individual element.
The style for all speakers is set on what's called the master repeatable. By clicking Open Mastercard, you can change the style of an element, like the text for job title, across all the speakers with one click.
Continue reading:
- Learn best practices for how to style repeatables.
- Need to make a change to an individual repeatable (speaker)? Learn how to unlock the repeatable.
- Customize how many repeatables appear on one row.
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