How do I dynamically add event and guest info to my emails (i.e. "Dear John")? Follow
Do you want to add a personal touch to your emails? Every email can start out with your guest's name and pull all of your event information dynamically from your event settings.
Why use these tags? Make it easy on yourself! Design your email so that it can be used again and again, with minimal changes.
Within the body of your email, in any email's text element, or the subject line of your email, you can add any of the following dynamic tags in this format: [tag]. Remember, tags are case sensitive! Make sure that all letters are lower case and be sure to include the brackets.
* This feature is currently available in emails you create and send, but not automated emails from Splash (i.e. confirmation emails).
Guest Information Tags:
[email] = e.g.
[first_name] = e.g. Max
[last_name]= e.g. The Dog
[full_name] = e.g. Max the Dog
[guest_company] = e.g. Splash
[guest_title]= e.g. Chief of Hospitality, Entertainment, and Wellness
Event Information Tags:
[domain] = Event Domain
[title] = Title of Event
[event_url] = Event URL
[event_year] = 2015
[event_date] = Day of Week, Month Day, e.g. Saturday, February 20
[event_time] = e.g. 10:00 - 2:00 PM EST
[event_date_short] = e.g. Feb 19
[event_time_short] = e.g. 10AM to 2PM
[event_venue] = Venue and Address
[event_venue_name] = Location Name
[event_address] = Address
[event_city] = City
[event_state] = State
[event_zipcode] = ZIP
[event_country] = United States
Session Information Tags:
[agenda_page_url] = domain/agenda
[confirmed_sessions] = e.g. Keynote with John, Economic Workshop
[waitlisted_sessions] = e.g. CMO Breakout, VIP Dinner,
You also have the option for advanced date formatting, which allows you to properly format an event's date, regardless of what language or country the event is in.
To do this:
1. Add the [event_start_time] or [event_end_time] dynamic tag
2. Add a '/' after time in the bracket
3. Add the formatting you want
Example: [event_start_time/l F j, Y] will end up like Monday July 27, 2020
See all advanced date formatting options here.
[event_start_time/M d, Y g:i a] = e.g. Jul 27, 2020 7:00 pm
[event_end_time/M d, Y g:i a] = e.g. Jul 27, 2020 10:00 pm
[event_start_time/M] = e.g. Jul
[event_end_time/M] = e.g. Jul
[event_start_time/Y] = e.g. 2020
[event_end_time/Y] = e.g. 2020
[event_start_time/G:i] = e.g. 19:00
[event_end_time/G:i] = e.g. 22:00
Note: If your event is TBD or you use an event end date or time tag without an event end date, the text will appear as invalid. Fallback values added for advanced date formats do not populate in test emails at this time.
Heads up: When testing personalisation tags in confirmation emails, be aware that any guest-specific tags added (including the virtual_event_url tag) will NOT populate on test emails. To properly test everything is correctly set up you'll need to send a real Email Campaign to an email that's been previously added to the Guest List. For more info refer to Help Center article Why are my dynamic tags not populating in emails?
RSVP Information Tags:
The tags below will only populate in Confirmation emails for RSVP-only events. If they are not populating in emails created from Email Sender, refer to this article.
[rsvp_status] = Guest Status. e.g. Yes
[guest_names] = Names of all Guests submitted with RSVP, e.g. Jon Snow, Dany Targ
[guest_emails] = Emails of all Guests submitted with RSVP, e.g.,
[number_of_guests] = Number of all Guests submitted with RSVP, e.g. 2
[custom_field_#] = Guest answers to custom questions from the form
You can also view these personalization tags within the email sender. Just click on View Personalization Tags in the Advanced Options box.
Don't have names or information for all your guests? If you want to still use a dynamic tag in an email, you can create what's called a fallback value.
Instead, format your tags as follows: [first_name|Insert fall back text here]
Example: [first_name|Hey there!] = Max OR Hey there!
As a heads-up for any dynamic tags that can be partially full, the information available will be shown. If every value is empty, it will display the fallback value.
Does anyone know how we can edit the Personalized tags in the email. I need to change some URLs that are being pulled. and struggling to figure out how to do it. This system was in place before I was hired, and I am attempting to work with it.
Thanks for any direction - I am coming through tutorials but nothing is right on point with what I need.
Hi Chelsey,
Happy to help!
The personalization tags dynamically pull in information from other areas in the event.
If there is a specific tag that is giving you trouble, could you submit a case to our team so we can further assist?
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