Linkable Blocks, Containers and Elements Follow
What if you'd like to make a Cover Block linkable to an RSVP form? Or how about linking a Speaker Repeatable Element to the speaker's personal website?
Sounds pretty cool, right? There's a pretty simple process that allows Blocks, Containers and Elements to become linkable that can be completed with Designer Pro.
Linking Blocks, Containers and Elements
Linking a block to open the RSVP Form:
1. Open your Event Page to start editing.
2. Add a new block to the page (you can also select an existing block on the page if you'd like).
3. Once selected, in the Page Layout tab, open the Properties menu.
4. Select the Make Block Linkable option.
5. Hover over the block's edge on page and select the Edit chain link option.
6. Select the action to Open RSVP/Ticket Form and click Save.
Linking a Block to an External Link:
1. Follow steps 1-5.
2. Select the action to be External Link.
3. Choose whether the link will open in a New Window or Same Window.
4. Then, enter the link you are using and save. Heads up! There are security parameters around long links with symbols. It's recommended to use a link shortener like here.
Now, let's take a look at linking a Repeatable Speaker Element to an External Link:
1. Open your Event Page to start editing.
2. Click into the Speaker Element.
3. Wrap all of the Speaker Element content into a Container.
4. Then drag and drop all content into the newly created Container.
5. Click into the Container to edit the top-level styles.
6. Open the Properties menu and select Make Block Linkable.
7. Update the Positioning to Relative, and set the Z-index to a number over 1 or 2.
8. Save changes.
9. Add a new Repeatable element to the block.
9. Hover over the Repeatable Element's edge on page and select the Edit chain link option.
10. Select the action to be External Link.
11. Choose whether the link will open in a New Window or Same Window.
12. Then, enter the link you are using and save.
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