3. Mapping Splash Objects to Eloqua Fields Follow
In the previous chapter, we set up our first Splash-Eloqua trigger. Put simply, when an attendee performs a trigger, Splash will send & insert information into pre-determined Eloqua fields.
The time has come to determine those fields!
Most users of the Splash-Eloqua integration choose to map Eloqua fields to a combination of the below objects:
- Contact Object → Data submitted or associated with an RSVP
- Ticket Object → Data submitted or associated with a purchase
- Event Object → Data associated with a Splash event
- Custom Object → Data associated with an attendee's event status
Field Mapping
1. There is one mandatory field, so Splash makes you map it first: choose Contact as your Splash Object and Email as the Splash Field.
This will be mapped to the Eloqua Remote Field for Email Address, which is what's used to uniquely identify an attendee in both systems.
2. Next, hit the + Add a Field button; you'll use this function every time you'd like to map a new field.
3. Let's continue mapping Contact fields for our RSVP Yes trigger — which is attendee information submitted during the RSVP process.
- The Splash Field drop-downs represent responses to RSVP questions asked for any of your organization's events.
- Splash Fields are mapped to Eloqua Remote Fields, which is where information associated with Leads and/or Contacts is stored.
Pro tip: Use search bar inside the Splash Field and Remote Field drop-downs.
Below, we mapped five Splash Contact Objects to Eloqua Remote Fields, but you're free to map as many as you'd like to.
Below, we also mapped a Splash Event Object, specifically the Splash Event Domain, to a custom Remote Object we configured in Eloqua called splashEventDomain.
By mapping our Event Domain (the event page's URL) to our splashEventDomain field, there will now be a record in Eloqua of the event our Lead/Contact RSVP'd to.
To add further event Event Object nuance to Eloqua, we may also want to map additional Event Objects, such as a the event's title, date, location, or description. We'd just need to make sure there are Eloqua fields configured to receive them.
Here's a quick how-to article on creating custom objects in Eloqua.
And last... but most certainly not least important, is the use of a Custom Splash Object for Status.
Statuses are the lifeblood of any event; they tell us if and to what extent our contacts engaged with our events.
Pro tip: For each Attendee Trigger you configure — and most of us will configure several — the primary way the configuration will differ from each other is the status it sends to Eloqua.
In the example above, anytime a guest RSVPs to a Splash event, Splash will send a status of "Attending" to the lead or contact record in Eloqua, writing that status to the Custom Eloqua Object (splashEventStatus).
Now that our fields are meticulously mapped for our first Splash Trigger — when a guest RSVPs "yes" — we next want to map fields for any other other trigger data we want to send to Eloqua.
The best way? Duplicating and updating our new integration.
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