How do I show attendees on my event page? Follow
One of the hallmarks of a successful event? An awesome room of people. And let's be real—awesome people attract other awesome people.
So whether you're hosting a private dinner for influencers, a conference for the NYC tech community, or beyond, showing off your attendees is a great way spruce up your event page, boost RSVPs, and instigate some serious FOMO.
Splash allows you to easily display information about your attendees directly on your event page by adding an Attendee Block.
How do I add an Attendee Block?
Adding an Attendee Block is just like adding any other block to your page! Here's how it's done:
1. Hover over a section on the page and click the + button in the bottom middle of the block to add a new block directly below it.
2. Search for Attendees and select your desired Attendee Block.
But it gets even better! You can style a block to display attendees however you'd like, such as customizing the font or background of the guest's name, displaying the total number of attendees, and rearranging the order they're displayed. Check it out!
How do I edit the style of an Attendee Block?
You can stylize an Attendee Block as you would any other block.
Whether it's the background color of the block...
1. Click inside the Attendee Block.
2. Navigate to Background and adjust based on your color set.
Or the font style for attendees...
1. Click into your Layout tab.
2. Navigate to your Attendee Block.
3. Click inside the attendee element, and click Edit Attendee Layout. Here, you'll be able to edit the repeatable.
How to edit the number and order of attendees displayed:
1. Head into the Layout tab.
2. Click into your Attendee Block.
3. Open the Attendees menu.
4. Here is where you can adjust the Display Order, Number of Attendees Shown on Page, Total Attendee Count, Show More Button, and beyond.
Talk about customization!
Please Note: The number of attendees shown on an individual Splash Page URL is between (1) and (100).
How to add additional attendee information (Designer Pro):
By default, the attendee's first and last name will display in the Attendee Block. But if you're operating in Designer Pro mode, you can add additional card elements to further show off your squad.
1. Navigate back into your Attendee Block and click on your attendee element.
2. Click inside Edit Attendee Layout.
3. Click the "+" icon in the bottom-left to add additional card elements. You can choose from any of Splash's custom questions that you may have prompted attendees to answer upon submitting their RSVP form.
Added your own custom questions to your form? We can display 'em!
1. Inside the Card Elements library, choose the Custom Question element.
2. You'll then be prompted to select from a drop-down the custom question response you'd like to appear in your attendee card. You can always edit this by clicking into the Custom Question element in your Layout tab and opening the Attendees Custom Question menu.
Note: The Custom Question feature within the Attendee element is currently only available on RSVP events. |
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